Welcome to our GUTS! We are so excited to finally launch this project after several months of planning. This is just a short article to introduce the aims of the project, introduce ourselves and let you know what to expect over the coming weeks.
Who we are:
This project is being put together by 2 people: Heléna Stanton aka DJ H3L3NA and Tom Willis aka Body Parts. We are both two young DJs and promoters that have been active in the Glasgow scene for a couple of years. We both have a strong community radio background - Heléna hosts shows on Subcity Radio, Clyde Built Radio and Radio Buena Vida, while Tom has previously managed Subcity Radio.
The Concept:
The ultimate goal of GUTS is that it can end up being a useful resource for people that want to put on nights but don’t know where to start or what it takes. We are not experts but we thought if we were able to document how we have done things here and try to be as transparent about it as possible then it might help others to work out what to do/not do. We are also hoping that by reaching out to people that might know more than we do we can give some different perspectives.
We will soon be publishing our proposal document that contains information about exactly our intentions at the start of the project and how this has changed or stayed the same as we have progressed in the project.
Our Funding:
This project was supported by the charity Youth Music and the Glasgow record label Numbers. This event will be the culmination of a 6 month internship myself and Heléna have been a part of. Another great project PINS, organised by two other interns is also happening simultaneously and has been funded in the same way.
We will be publishing details of exactly the funding we have received and some of the requirements of this at some point soon but the total we received was £3250.
The Team:
Here is a list of everyone that has helped out so far on this project:
Sam Wood - 3D Artist - Website
Sam was the first person we hired as part of this project to sculpt and rig the 3D elements we’ve used to promote our event. He is incredibly talented and was able to turn our requests around very quickly. We will be making all of the 3D models and Blender files public so you can see how he has made the design.
Jack Murray-Brown - Website Design/Visuals - Website
Jack has been critical to this whole project and this project would not be possible in the same way without him. He’s responsible for making this whole website function. He will be publishing the code used on this website to his github page soon so that others can see how the site was made.
Numbers Team - General Support - Website
Numbers have been running legendary events around the world and releasing important music for a long time so we are incredibly lucky to have their support in this project. Particular thanks go to Jo, Aaron, Neil and Calum.
Hamish Leeson - Lighting/Visuals - Insta
DJ HAMMM is Glasgow's best lighting designer.
Special thanks to Rowan & Fleur, you have both been an incredible support and amazing pals throughout this, thank you for doing this internship with us both!